How To Create A Data Disk In A Virtual Machine And Initialize It For Immediate Use

This training session is basically to discuss how to create a Data disk or attach a data disk to a virtual machine in the Azure Cloud and how to initialize it for immediate use. Please note that the training does not cover how to create a virtual machine itself but only addition of Data disk to it. The virtual machine is readily created and named easyware Virtual Machine with Resource group named easy04 as indicated in the picture below.

Although there is an OS disk readily created with the virtual machine but we need a data disk to gain more storage space on the virtual machine.

In order to create a data disk, just click on Disk

Click on create and Attach a new disk

A new data disk named easyware_Datadisk_0 Premium SSD LRS of 1TB (1024 GiB) has been created and attached to the easyware Virtual Machine

After a successful creation of a data disk, let us connect the virtual machine through the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) by clicking on Connect

Then download the RDP file

Open the downloaded RDP file , run it and click Connect

Enter your credentials which are the username and password used during the creation of the virtual machine and click OK

Scroll down of Disk 0 and Disk 1 to locate Disk 2

Right click in the disk 2 to see New Simple Volume so as to run the Simple Volume Wizard

Click Next

Click Next

Click Next

We have successfully completed the New Simple Volume Wizard. To close the wizard, Click Finish

The picture below shows the new Volume has been initialized.

As shown below, our new data disk is confirmed available for immediate use.